The relationship with your ex-boyfriend seems to have broken down, and he has walked out on you. If you still want him back, with a little thinking and the right strategies it is not impossible to achieve. You must think about ways of getting him back and for this it is necessary that you know about male psychology. You should try to find out what he is thinking about you after the break up as this is important.
Most of the time, women who have broken relationships feel that they are hitting their heads against a wall and end up doing what they are not supposed to do. These things drive him further away from them. The art of attracting men and keeping them is not taught anywhere and this has to be hard learned from experience and the passage of time. It is a natural trait that comes easy to some women while some others have to learn it by taking conscious action.
With this natural gift or consciously acquired talent, many women find out the ways of making their men want them and are then able to maintain long term relationships with ease. By just understanding the basic principles underlying this you can also get the same type of success with your man. When you have been deserted by your ex-boyfriend but you want him back, it is necessary that you do some homework and that is what you are going to learn in this article.
Staying Away From Him - The Best Way to Make Him Think About You
Though this may seem unnatural it is the best way to bring his mind around to think about you. So stay away from him completely for a while so that his mind begins to settle down and focus on you, this will stoke in him the desire for you. But it may not be possible to stay away from him if he is a co-worker or a class mate and you have to be together often. Even at these times avoid looking at him and completely ignore his presence. Discontinue all ways of communicating with him. To bring down his male pride avoid showing any type of interest in him after your break up.
If you do not show your interest in him, his mind will be disappointed at your unexpected reaction. This is the real secret for making him run after you and make him feel for you and want you back again. This will give him a shock due to not getting any signal from you to attract him. When this happens and you act in such a way that you do not care about him anymore, he will begin to think if you loved him at all. Though this may look cruel and very odd on your part and you may not want to do this to him, you must understand what you are doing is not bad at all. This is done only to make him become interested in you again.
This is a crucial stage in your process of getting him back, and when he comes to talk to you, you must not act rude with him. Speak with him politely with a smiling face and do not show emotions in your voice, just talk to him plainly. Make the conversation short and act as if you are very busy and have to go somewhere. Avoid asking any questions and just give responses to his questions, do not forget to say things that are nice and encouraging to him. If you cut off all sort of communication from him then he will begin thinking that you do not think about him at all and feel like there is no point in even trying to approach you again.
Act Mysteriously To Make Him Want You More
In the beginning when your relationship began to develop he must have liked something that attracted him towards you and made him feel that you were different from other women. This is the time to find what that is and see if you still have those qualities within you. Make him aware of the change in you by taking up a new pastime or restarting an old hobby. This also has the advantage of taking your mind off the pain of the breaking up of your relationship. Unless you focus your mind on something else your idleness will make you think more of him and lead to the foolishness of you contacting him.
When you are staying aloof, it is necessary to not be rude with him in any manner. Just make him understand that you have no time for him now as you are busy and have a tight schedule. Add to your mysterious behavior by staying off sites like Face book for sometime as he is sure to keep checking your profile often to find out what you are thinking and plan to do. At this stage you must withhold some part of your life from him. You must understand the importance of this as he is the person who has walked away from you and you cannot allow him to have his way with you anymore.
On the other hand when you go on updating your profile regularly it will let him know the things that you are doing and what you are planning to do. This will make it unnecessary for him to get in touch with you to find these things out. When you are available to him at all times in the cyber world, you will not make him miss you. When you have completely vanished from his world, it is natural for him to think more about you and make him feel eager to get in touch with you. If you want to know how to get him back then this is a common technique that women use.
What Is Next?
The above are only two effective ways of increasing your chances of getting him back, but you should not stop with these as something more has to be done. What you want to do now is to make him feel for you and chase you again with proven psychological strategies that actually work.
Then you must assess the signals you get from him as to know if he still likes you and wants you be with him again. Guys usually give out some vital attraction clues when they are in the break up mode and it is necessary that you must study these carefully to ascertain your chance of getting him back before proceeding further.
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