Many financial professionals suggest that you need to start teaching your youngsters about saving and investing as soon as they are old enough to comprehend the basics of these ideas. For many of us, this implies beginning a child?s monetary education in the early teen years, when they?re sufficiently old to start earning and appreciating money. While every parent has other ways of teaching their youngsters about money, 2 of the commonest techniques of doing this is through saving accounts and certificates of deposit with the best CD rates available.
Before you can begin training your teenager about the importance of saving and investing, you?ve got to teach them how to make money. Give them a job, or help them find one, and when they get their first paycheck, set some laws about where the money is going to go. Be certain to explain each rule thoroughly, as well as why it?s very important. Ten p.c should always go into their savings first, followed by paying one or two of their own bills. These don?t have to be large bills, but bill payment is an important part of teaching teens the best way to manage money. For instance, you may have your teen start paying for their own cellphone, which might be as low as $20 a month depending on the sort of plan.
As your teenager continues to make some money, it?s important to teach them the seriousness of making their money work for them. It?s good to understand how to make money, but it?s just as important to teach them how to earn money work for them through investing. Beginning a teen?s investment education with CDs is preferred because it gives them a technique to break into investing thru a low risk means. This is also why it?s important to teach teens how to save, so they will have something to invest.
As your teenager continues to earn money, pay tiny bills, save and invest, you will want to keep teaching them about these things in more detail. For example, when your teen is 14 or 15, you could suggest <a href="?>investing a big slice of money into a bank with high interest CD rates for a year or 2. Mention that when the CD matures, they will be 16, and will have enough return on the investment to buy or put a deposit on an automobile.
Help them find the highest CD bank rates, and then help them open the account. The method of opening a CD, and the education about earning, savings, and investment, will give them a solid finance foundation from which they?ll benefit for their complete lives.
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