Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Nicotine Addiction and How Psychological Aroma-Therapy Can Help You

There is a claim that the toughest part of quitting smoking is getting past the nicotine addiction. There are many nicotine gum and nicotine replacement patches on the market that claim to help in quitting smoking. But does it really make sense to break the addiction to a substance by finding another way to deliver that same substance back into your body?

We want to rid our system of nicotine, and cleanse its effects from our body. In order for this to happen we need to become completely free of nicotine. Nicotine is the cause of our cravings so the first step to beating smoking is to get free of it.

Nicotine is the reward of smoking. When we feed our addiction we feel a calmness that we think helps us to deal with stress. We have a nice and light feeling. So we need to find a good way to divert us away from this nicotine craving. You can occupy your mind by making a cup of tea, doing some exercise, even having a glass of water.

More than just an addiction to nicotine, smoking is a habit. There are places, situations and people who will trigger this habit, learn to avoid them and do something creative instead.

Habits can be as hard as addictions to break. The first step is to make a firm determination that you truly want to quit smoking. Remembering the ill effects of nicotine and those other poisons in cigarette smoke will help your determination, but it has to begin with you.

Once you have your honest determination, aroma-therapy is a tool to help you get rid of the smoking habit. Try these steps.

Find a pleasant smelling and relaxing aroma-therapy oil blend. Lavender or the rose blends are excellent. Patchouli is great for relieving stress. First put the oil near your cigarettes. Next put the oil near your lips, like you would if it was a cigarette, and inhale. Take a couple of deep breaths so you get the full effect of the oil?s aroma. You will keep smelling that wonderful aroma for quite some time.

What you are doing is tricking your brain into forgetting the nicotine. This act of inhaling the oil?s fragrance feels almost like smoking. Aroma-therapy is a substitute for smoking, and will allow you to escape nicotine. It is a form of psychological intervention. If you can resist the craving for even two minutes, it will pass and you will beat the habit.

You can also help yourself quit smoking by using programs specifically designed to help you on this journey. These are programs that use natural ways of helping you quit instead of adding more poisons to your body. Click here for one of the best stop smoking programs on the market. You won?t regret it.

I can speak from experience when it comes to quitting smoking as I smoked for well over half my life. However I quit smoking, and I did it the first time I tried. There is absolutely no reason why you can?t give up too. It?s time for you to take that major step right now. To help you quit, sign up for the email course on How You Can Stop Smoking which has already helped countless people quit their smoking habit.


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